The CWUR Rankings by Subject rank the world’s leading universities in 227 subject categories, based on the number of research articles in top-tier journals. Data is obtained from Clarivate Analytics (previously the Intellectual Property and Science business of Thomson Reuters).
For a given Subject Category SCi in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) database, journals are sorted according to the product Π of their Eigenfactor and Article Influence Score, from largest to smallest. A list Li of journals with non-zero Π can then be obtained. If Ni is the total number of articles in Li listed in the most recent edition of JCR, the journals chosen are the ones with the highest Π in Li and containing between them 0.25Ni articles in total. Repeating this algorithm, we obtain 227 lists Ji of the top journals for all Subject Categories in JCR.
Using the Science Citation Index Expanded and the Social Sciences Citation Index databases, an institution’s pre-final score in a given Subject Category SCi is given by log (ni + 1), where ni is the institution’s number of “Article” publications in Ji during the last 10 full years. Pre-final scores are then scaled to the top performing institution to arrive at final scores.
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